What is a Community Guide?

At Centre Publications, we believe that a community guide is any type of publication that does does two things – it provides information about what is happening in your area, and creates a buzz around local businesses serving that region. They can be a small booklet, a thick, glossy coffee table magazine, or anything in between. We want to talk with you about how a customized community guide can strengthen your area by connecting local businesses with interested consumers to get the goods and services they need.

Key Components

  • Interesting to consumers.
  • Distributed and available to a targeted audience.
  • Returns measurable value on advertising.
Community Guides

Easier Than You Might Think

Do you feel like you just don’t have time to tackle this kind of project? Centre Publications is known for a no-hassle process. We meet with you, at your location, on your schedule to work out details. Then we take care of everything – advertising sales, photography, design, layout, printing, and binding, to finalize the project. We help you determine the most efficient method to reach a focused audience, prepare the mailing and do bulk distribution. Plus, we will create a digital version for use on your website or social media so your message reaches people of all ages and interests.

Community Guides

Event Guides


Direct Mail Pieces

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